In line with Government guidelines for safe working during the COVID pandemic, access to our office is strictly by a pre-arranged appointment only, and only where absolutely necessary. We are open for business with some staff working in the office and others from home, they can still be contacted in the usual way either by telephone or email.

In respect of your pre-arranged appointment, if you develop symptoms of COVID, or have in the last 14 days come into contact with someone with COVID or symptoms of, we ask that you contact the office by telephone/email to arrange a new appointment or discuss if there is an appropriate alternative to your meeting.

The safety of our staff and clients is of paramount importance to us and so thank you for your continued co-operation during these unprecedented times.

Kyle Smith

ParaLegal, Commercial Department

Areas of practice

Employee Navigation Corporate / Commercial

Kyle has joined us after working in Birmingham as a Legal Assistant for a Commercial Law Firm. Previously to this he has worked with a German Law firm in Düsseldorf (both in the office and remotely).

Kyle graduated Law with German LLB from Aberystwyth University in 2016. During his studies he attended Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg for a year studying German law and language modules. Kyle then went on to study international law at Christian Albrecht Universtität Kiel for an LLM international qualification (in which he graduated cum laude).

Kyle graduated with a commendation in the LPC (Legal Practitioners Course) from the University of Law in July 2019.

He joined our commercial team as a Paralegal in January 2020 and as part of his duties he assists our Senior Partner.

Kyle is a confident German speaker and maintains good connections with the German legal profession.