In line with Government guidelines for safe working during the COVID pandemic, access to our office is strictly by a pre-arranged appointment only, and only where absolutely necessary. We are open for business with some staff working in the office and others from home, they can still be contacted in the usual way either by telephone or email.

In respect of your pre-arranged appointment, if you develop symptoms of COVID, or have in the last 14 days come into contact with someone with COVID or symptoms of, we ask that you contact the office by telephone/email to arrange a new appointment or discuss if there is an appropriate alternative to your meeting.

The safety of our staff and clients is of paramount importance to us and so thank you for your continued co-operation during these unprecedented times.

Guide to Prices

At Brindley Twist Tafft and James, there are several ways in which we can help you through the difficult process of administering the estate of someone who has died.

We can deal with the whole of the administration of the estate for you (this means we can ascertain the assets of the estate and obtain valuations for you, apply for the grant and collect and distribute the assets) or we can act for you on a “grant only basis”.  The grant is the document issued by the court that allows the executors or administrators to collect or transfer the assets from third parties eg banks.

We are very happy to discuss the basis on which we can act for you and tailor our service to your requirements.

Our solicitors can act where there is a valid Will, or where the person who died had no Will (this is known as intestacy) and we can help with estates where there is inheritance tax to pay or with non-taxable estates.  Whether inheritance tax is payable will depend on the value of the estate and whether any gifts have been made during the lifetime of the person who has died.  We can advise you on this once we have spoken to you and have more details.  For more general information on inheritance tax you may also find it helpful to visit the following website:

Guide to Probate costs

You can find out about our costs by clicking on the boxes below:

For a glossary of some of the terms used when discussing the process of administering an estate, click here.

We are very happy to discuss your individual situation with you and provide you with an exact price based on your specific circumstances, so please do get in touch with us.